How to order
To order a item,you should first register in our website to create your own account(ordering first and registering later will also work).
After the registrastion,you can choose the ordering mode in the detail page of the item .
There are altogether 3 ordering modes for you to choose from:
1.ready-made mode
In ready-made mode,you can choose the ready-made size from XS,S,M,L,XL.
2.custom-made mode
In custom-made mode in which the dress can only be made according to the original style,you should provide your own measurements.
3.custom-made mode:changing the fabric and buttons.
In the custom-made mode:changing the fabric and buttons,you can select your favorate fabric and buttons to make the dress and then provide your own measurements to us.
After the completion of all the steps of one of the above ordering modes,you can write your special requirements .
and click "add to shopping cart"button ,Then follow the instructions of every
step to finish the order process.